6/08/07: Yet another accidental shooting


3 Responses

  1. I will be happy to comment. I am a responsible, law-abiding gun owner that has TONS of legitimized data that will show you that gun crime has DROPPED more than 77%, overall. It is most certainly NOT the fault of the device, it is the failed mentality of the person behind it. We have some of the most stringent gun-control laws there are, and yet people still do not want to believe it. Please remember this, while you presume to sit back and call me a “moron”…you don’t know me…nor do you know the millions of other perfectly safe, sane, ethical and law-abiding gun owners that are around to ensure that when all else fails, that there will be at least someone who gives a damn. Don’t like guns? I hope you like slavery, because without the ability to repel tyranny in government…that is what we would face. Please think about this, and please try no to stereotype all owners into one category based on the actions of a few. Oh…one more thing…you have the RIGHT to CALL us morons…because there were armed citizens…Be well, and best regards…

  2. Stereotypes are ideas held about members of particular groups, based primarily on membership in that group. They may be positive or negative prejudicial, and may be used to justify certain discriminatory behaviors. Some people consider all stereotypes to be negative. Stereotypes are rarely completely accurate, based on some kernel of truth, or completely fabricated. Different disciplines give different accounts of how stereotypes develop: Psychologists focus on how experience with groups, patterns of communication about the groups, and intergroup conflict. Sociologists focus on the relations among groups and position of different groups in a social structure. Psychoanalytically-oriented humanists have argued (e.g., Sander Gilman) that stereotypes, by definition, are never accurate representations, but a projection of an individual’s fears onto others, regardless of the reality of others.

  3. For the purposes of this article, which is examining prejudice within a single, overarching, theoretical framework, it is important to define the word as follows: Interpersonal hostility that is directed against individuals based on their membership in a minority group[1]

    When this definition is applied, prejudice generally refers to existing biases toward the members of such groups, often based on social stereotypes; and at its most extreme, results in groups being denied life,[3] liberty,[4] and the pursuit of happiness[5][6] or, conversely, unfairly showing unwarranted favor towards others[7].

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